A very warm welcome to all our Whimsy friends
I'm here tonight to share a really special post with you
There will be very few of us, who have not been affected
in some way by the scourge that is cancer
it is particularly close to home right now
for our lovely artist and friend Crissy
I'll let you read her story in her own words...
Hi everyone, it's Crissy Armstrong here, illustrator for Whimsy Stamps.
I have drawn a very special penguin called Penguin Ray.
It is special to me because my older brother Ray
requested that I draw a penguin undergoing Chemotherapy, to express how he is feeling.
He was diagnosed with a very serious cancer, and is fighting with all that is in him to get into remission.
If any of you know anyone who has/has had cancer, you know what a toll this takes on a person and on those who love them;
and you probably also know that a little encouragement goes a long way.
I want to reach out to my crafting friends to ask for your help in encouraging Ray to keep fighting.
I would like to flood Ray's mailbox with Penguin Ray cards from all over the world!
Ray has been a person who reaches out to others all his life;
He has helped raise many children, and been a father figure to many, including his kid sister - me!
Everything about his life is about reaching out to make this world a gentler, kinder place to be.
Let's show him that kindness is coming back to him. If you want to join this card campaign,
please make a Penguin Ray card, and then email me for his mailing address.
Neither I nor Whimsy is getting any money whatsoever from the sale of Penguin Ray.
One hundred percent of the sale price is going to get donated to Ray's favourite charity
Make A Wish Foundation Canada.
Thank you so much in advance.
Crissy has created a wonderful birthday card using Penguin Ray for her awesome big brother.
Adorable take on this image by Deb. He's positively green 'round the gills!
Such a sweet take on this image by Denielle. Those feverish cheeks are awesome!
Love this fabulous card by Michelle, he looks proper knackered doesn't he?!

A fun take on the image by Pam. Love all the colour!
Ute's card just breaks me. That look of sheer exhaustion. So wonderfully done!
Vicki has created a beautiful foiled background for her design. Love this!

I combined two of Crissy's digital papers to create a 'sterile hospital room' feel for my take on things.

We would love you to come and support this worthy cause along with us.
All the proceeds from the sale of this heartachingly sweet image,
perfect for anyone in your lives who has or is fighting cancer,
goes to the 'Make A Wish Foundation ~ Canada'
So come and support this wonderful cause
and have fun crafting at the same time!
Our sincerest thanks for your support
and if you are currently battling or supporting someone
who is fighting cancer. We send special love your way today.