We've reached Day 5 of our November 2018 release week countdown here on the Whimsy blog and we are so happy that you've joined us this week. We would love to hear what you ordered from the release. Leave us a comment below!
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If you are a fan of the awesome stained glass images from Whimsy artist Deb Davis, then you are going to love this beautiful Stained Glass Village.
We also have the super cute Snowman and Friend to share with you today. This image is absolutely darling.
Pine Bough is another great image from our DoveArt lineup of stamps. The realism of this is truly breathtaking.
Merry Cactus is an absolute darling image, sure to put a smile on your face and it will be super fun to color.
We have one more fairy making her debut this month. This one is Merry Wishes Fairy and she is just as sweet as can be.
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Have a great day,
Your Whimsy Creative Team