Creative Video Team Call


We are looking for members that are dependable, energetic, and passionate about creating quality video tutorials and the craft community. We ask that applicants be active on YouTube and Social Media. What we mean by active is currently posting regularly to your YouTube channel and social media. We want to encourage all video creators interested in applying, no matter the number of subscribers/followers you have, to apply. 


•This is a 6-month term running from July 1st until December 15th
•Post a minimum of three videos to the Whimsy Stamps YouTube Channel per month
•Follow a monthly posted schedule•MUST meet deadlines
•Create new product introduction videos (a 3-5 minute video introducing new product) for the WHIMSY STAMPS YouTube Channel only
•Have active YouTube & Social Media Accounts
•Create videos in a well-lit area, clean, crisp voice-overs or live audio with no background noise, for the WHIMSY STAMPS YouTube Channel; have the skill and necessary program to edit and add provided Intro and Outro to videos
•Have the ability to create YouTube Thumbnails following provided sample
•Take clean, crisp and well-lit photographs of your projects; have the skill and necessary programs to edit your photographs to include sizing to 800x800(1:1) and 1920x1080 or 1280x 720(16:9) and overlaying provided watermark
•Follow Whimsy Stamps on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest
•Announce video day of release across all your Social Media accounts including tagging and hashtags 
•Create individual projects for blog hops and collaborations when needed


•You will receive a selection of Whimsy Stamps products monthly sent to you with free shipping. This will be a combination of brand new/not yet released items and prior released items. These items can be featured together or separate from one another, but all of them must be used at least once for the month indicated. Additionally, we encouraged you to use prior items you have received on any project anytime if they are still currently for sale. All these items are yours to keep.
• A generous discount off Whimsy stamps, stencils, and dies during your design term that is for your use only
• Join our affiliate program
• Use our affiliate links in the description box below each of your YouTube videos on the Whimsy YouTube Channel
• Your YouTube Channel featured in the Whimsy Stamp YouTube Featured Channel section
• A standing link on the Whimsy Stamp Blog to your YouTube Channel
• Opportunities to have your video featured in the Whimsy Stamps Weekly newsletter
• Whimsy Stamps will follow your social media and share/repin/like your video/post as much as possible
• Occasionally you may have an opportunity to create video content for special events with other companies


Please include the following information in your entry:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Location
  4. All social media links where you display your work, including videos.
  5. A short bio about you, why you want to be part of the team, your project strengths, and individual creative style.
  6. List of any other design teams you have current commitments with.
** Please do not attach projects to your submission email.***

We will be visiting your YouTube Channel and Social Media accounts.

Entries should be sent to  
The deadline for entry is April 15th, 2020, at 2 p.m. EST. If chosen, you will be contacted by April 27th, 2020.

We are so excited to see your entries. Good luck to all of you!

*This video team call is open to Domestic and International applicants. Please note that International Design Team positions are limited. 

1 comment

  1. What a great opportunity for creative folks! I wish I had the know how on making videos! Guess I better learn for the next time. Good luck to all the prospective Whimsy video peeps! Craft on!


Thanks for joining us here today at the Whimsy Stamps Blog. We hope you become inspired to visit with us again and again. Thanks for leaving your comment.

Have a great day,
Your Whimsy Creative Team