Introducing the Whimsy Stamps InstaPinners Team

Hello crafty friends and Happy Fri-Yay!  We have had a very exciting and full week here at Whimsy Stamps.  If you recall, in March of this year, we announced a worldwide Design Team call and after reviewing so many talented creatives, we are pleased to announce new members to all FIVE of our Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams!

Today, we'd like you to meet our amazing InstaPinners Creative Team!  

Please click on each member's name to visit their Instagram page and be sure to give them a follow for more crafty inspiration!

Alexandra Young

Phew!  What a busy week!  Whimsy Stamps has FIVE Creative Teams - the New Release Team, the Video Team, the Digital Team, the Treasures Team and the InstaPinners Team!  With over 50 design team members that is a LOT of daily Whimsy inspiration for you. 

You can view ALL of our Creative Team members HERE!

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderfully creative weekend!


  1. Welcome back hugs to all our wonderful existing team and big welcome hugs to all our fabulous new crew xoxo


Thanks for joining us here today at the Whimsy Stamps Blog. We hope you become inspired to visit with us again and again. Thanks for leaving your comment.

Have a great day,
Your Whimsy Creative Team