Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Whimsy Stamps December Digital Release

Hey lovely Whimsy friends!
Can you believe it's December?!!
It's kind of a relief in our household,
because we can finally say the word 'Christmas'!
(It's banned until December first! LOL)

But you know despite that, I've been singing Christmas carols
and crafting up a storm, so you really can't keep the Christmas spirit down!

I'll tell you who else has been crafting up a storm
and that's our amazingly talented Digital Divas!

These gals are seriously some of the most dedicated and talented crafter's out there.
So this month, we thought we'd give them a little break to enjoy the season
and spend time with family. You can't keep this crew down though,
so I'm pretty sure you'll still see them sharing on Facebook!

Our creations for this reason, were released as part of the November designs,
but we are showcasing them now in December, so the gals can take a break.
Be sure to stop into the store to check out the full December release,
because there are some incredible cuties and did you see
our Cyber Monday surprise?!!!

Crissy Armstrong Digital Collection


We're so excited to share our December creations with you,
and you're going to love all the December images!

You can click through to the December release via the banner below
and all the thumbnails are below that you can click through on too.

I wish you a wonderful December,
remember to check out the store for our Cyber Monday deals
you don't want to miss those!

We will be back again soon with another digital showcase
so be sure to check in regularly here over December.

Hugs and happy December crafting!

1 comment:

Thanks for joining us here today at the Whimsy Stamps Blog. We hope you become inspired to visit with us again and again. Thanks for leaving your comment.

Have a great day,
Your Whimsy Creative Team