Saturday, October 5, 2019

31 Nights of Halloween - Night 5 - Zombie Herd

Hello, everyone!  Today is World Cardmaking Day and Whimsy Stamps is celebrating big time. We're having a blog and Instagram hop with lots of prizes and inspiration for you. We're also having a 31 Nights of Halloween event this month with even more prizes.  I hope you join in!

For my card I'm using the Zombie Herd rubber stamp. I about died (LOL) when I saw this image--ahmazing!

I stamped the image on Strathmore Bristol Smooth cardstock with VersaFine Onyx Black and colored it with Zig Real Brush Watercolor Pens.

I loved coloring these zombies up. They're all individuals and all clearly zombified. I even added pupils every which way for added fun!

Next I used the Brick Pattern Stencil with Distress Oxide Fired Brick to create a background for the zombies.

Lastly I added the perfect sentiment from Dracula Bite Me. This is like me every morning.  LOL!

If you'd like to check out my other creations, you can visit my blog, Frankie Helps Craft, my Instagram, or my Pinterest Board.


  1. Creepy cool! So fun Toni and that sentiment, made me laugh out loud!! xoxo

  2. Oh, I love this one! Love how you have the brick background behind the zombies. :)

  3. Awesome coloring on this zombie image! Great card!

  4. Me thinks I'll stay away from those zombies!!! lol
    FABULOUS card.

  5. Oh my gosh............this is great. Fantastic coloring and the sentiment is funny. [Bunny]`

  6. So pretty and creative as always l just love your creation x

  7. This zombie card is BRILLIANT! I LOVE the bullet holes and eyes!!!

  8. Scary-licious! Love that sentiment!

  9. Oh my gosh, snarky zombies! This card is to die for! I love it! Really, really I do! Such a great combination of Whimsy products and so zomie-riffic!

  10. Spooky! That sentiment though, I have to say that it made me laugh and every time I think about it, I start giggling!

  11. Toni, this gives me the heebie jeebies!

  12. BOO-tiful card!
    FABULOUS design ... it didn't make me feel hungry but it sure did make me SMILE :)

  13. The image makes me shiver, but that sentiment is a hoot!


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Your Whimsy Creative Team