Friday, October 4, 2019

31 Nights of Halloween - NIGHT 4 - Got Peepers

Well hello there PEEPS and welcome to Night 4 of our 31 Nights of Halloween celebration!
If you haven't guessed by now...Halloween is my absolute FAVORITE day of the year and I love seeing and sharing Halloween cards with fellow Halloweeners. I hope you enjoy tonight's post...

For my Got Peepers card I started out by stamping the Checkerboard Doodles background and cut it out with the Rectangle Shaker Maker die 

The grass was die cut using the Grass and Cloud Edger die set and the "moon" is from the 

I stamped the Got Peepers kitties, colored their eyes, ears and noses with colored pencils, and then fussy cut them out.

I used the new Bats and Bubbles die set for the bats on the tombstone and sky. And the tombstone is from the Dracula's Coffin die set (a must have for any Halloween card maker). 

I sponged ink on the edges of most of the pieces before adhering them to the spooky little scene ;).

How spooky cute is that little kitty peeking out of the grass?!

The sentiment was stamped in the bottom corner and the final touch was using a white gel pen to add a few stars in the night sky.

Checkerboard Doodles Background Rubber Cling Stamp    
Shaker Maker Rectangle Die Set Grass and Cloud Edger Die SetPierced and Stitched Circles Die SetDracula's Coffin Die Set

Be sure to come back tomorrow night and every night this month at 6pm for oodles of Halloween fun and prizes during our annual 31 Nights of Halloween blog celebration!

Thanks for stopping by...see you soon,


  1. Love those kitties! Fun card! Adorable Halloween scene!

  2. can I scream???
    LOOOVEEEE this card!
    super cute!

  3. So cute and love
    the background papers.
    Carla from Utah

  4. OMG! Cutest little kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This is the CUTEST card. Being a fan of "cats", I love the big eyes on your cat images and the wonderful scene! :)

  6. Jeepers Creepers look at those Peepers. So cute. [Bunny]`

  7. The big eyed kitties are ADORABLE!!! MY FAVORITE SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The checkerboard bg is perfect for those adorable big eyed kitties! Such a fun card! :)

  9. OMG, this is tooooo cute for words!! The BG stamp is awesome.

  10. Thank you for all the nice comments, they always make my day! I hope everyone is enjoying our 31 Nights of Halloween festivities?!

  11. Peepers, peepers, where did you get those peepers?🎡🎢🎡
    These cat eyes are right up my alley! Great card!

  12. So much fun and creative as always l just love your creation x

  13. Love the big eyes on these kitties.

  14. I just laughed and smiled when I saw your kitty peeking up from the grass! Lol. What a fun and eye-catching card.

  15. awww love these kitties with their big eyes!!

  16. This card makes me smile. I love the kitty.

  17. It is so stinkin' cute that it's scary! I'm a huge fan of cats but this little one is too cute for words!

    LOVE your CUTE kitties and SPOOKY scene - WOW - it's WONDERFUL :)

  19. Oh my gosh, this is AORABLE! I love that scene and the big-eyed kitty!


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