Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mid-May Release!


Happy New Release Day from Whimsy Stamps!  Today we are excited to share a variety of new products with our crafters from cute new summer themed stamp sets, coordinating mask images and dies and a fun new classic card themed Quick Card Front set perfect for Father's Day!

Let's take a closer look at today's release: 

We know that you are going to love our new mid-May Release!  To purchase these products and SOoooo many more, please visit our store online at!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Introducing the Whimsy Stamps InstaPinners Team

Hello crafty friends and Happy Fri-Yay!  We have had a very exciting and full week here at Whimsy Stamps.  If you recall, in March of this year, we announced a worldwide Design Team call and after reviewing so many talented creatives, we are pleased to announce new members to all FIVE of our Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams!

Today, we'd like you to meet our amazing InstaPinners Creative Team!  

Please click on each member's name to visit their Instagram page and be sure to give them a follow for more crafty inspiration!

Alexandra Young

Phew!  What a busy week!  Whimsy Stamps has FIVE Creative Teams - the New Release Team, the Video Team, the Digital Team, the Treasures Team and the InstaPinners Team!  With over 50 design team members that is a LOT of daily Whimsy inspiration for you. 

You can view ALL of our Creative Team members HERE!

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderfully creative weekend!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Introducing the Whimsy Stamps Digital Divas

Hello crafty friends and Happy Thursday!  We are almost through the week, but there's still so much more to share with you.  If you recall, in March of this year, we announced a worldwide Design Team call here at Whimsy Stamps and after reviewing so many talented creatives, we are pleased to announce new members to all FIVE of our Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams!

Today, we'd like you to meet our amazing Digital Divas!

Be sure to click on each member's name to go to their Instagram page where you can give them a follow for lots of crafty inspiration!

Anna Bartsch

Astrid Galjaard


Did you know that Whimsy Stamps offers a large variety of digital stamps?!  The Digital Divas Creative Team is sure to inspire you with all of their digital creations.  

You can follow all FIVE of the Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams HERE!


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Introducing the Whimsy Stamps Treasures Team

Hello crafty friends and Happy Wednesday!  We have halfway through the week, but there's still so much more to share with you.  If you recall, in March of this year, we announced a worldwide Design Team call here at Whimsy Stamps and after reviewing so many talented creatives, we are pleased to announce new members to all FIVE of our Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams!

Today, we'd like you to meet our amazing Treasures Team!  

Be sure to click on each team member's name to go to their Instagram page.  Give them a follow for lots of crafty goodness!

Amanda Garrett

The Treasures Creative Team is sure to inspire you with previously released products from Whimsy Stamps.   So, if you don't have the latest and greatest stamp sets and dies, be sure to follow this team and use what you already own!

You call follow all FIVE of the Whimsy Stamps Creative Teams HERE!